Monday, February 22, 1999



Kwibs, By Kevin Noland

Next Thursday, February 25, marks the first birthday of my son Nicholas.
We have three children: Breeann, 9; Joey, 6 and Nicholas, who was obviously a surprise (and a wonderful surprise he has turned out to be).
In honor of Nicholas's first birthday, I wanted to share some events of the first year of his life. Nicholas has reopened our lives to the little surprises in life. He has made us more aware of our surroundings and has brought us many days of joy and laughter. As the following things are listed out before you, please keep in mind that Ronda and I really are good parents. Nicholas is a special little boy with a whole lot of world to explore.
Nicholas's first year:
We took our first family vacation this summer to California. Nicholas decided that he enjoyed the beach the best. California sand tastes good with salt water!
We lost a half a dozen Christmas ornaments. All were on the bottom of the tree. He also opened most of the presents and took the bows off of all presents under our tree.
During a quite moment in Mrs. Forsyth's room during a parent teacher's meeting, Nicholas decided that the pressure was too much to bare and he let one fly (cut the cheese, stepped on a duck - you get the picture).
The little guy cut his first tooth on daddy's big toe.
During a cold winter day, we watched as Nicholas stared outside, witnessing his first snow. Upon looking closer we found that he was actually eating boxelder bugs from behind the curtain... The smile on his face was cute, but the black and orange bug remains stuck to his two front teeth really made us laugh.
Not long after Christmas break, we had to make an emergency call to poison control center. Nicholas opened a bottle of petroleum jelly and decided it was "um, um, good!" The kind lady at the poison control center said it wouldn't hurt him, just make him a little loose... That was an understatement!
The very next evening after we had put up the new bottle of petroleum jelly, Nicholas stood on a toy truck, got the new bottle of Vaseline, ate half of it and wiped the rest on our big screen TV. The funny part was that his brother and sister were playing Nintendo on it and were upset because he was getting in front of their game. They didn't even notice the mess he was making.
Ronda has learned the hard way about laundry. You wait until Nicholas is in bed or out of the room before you fold clothes. Nicholas unfolds clothes at an alarming rate.
On numerous occasion Nicholas has gotten his fingers stuck in the central heat floor vents.
In our bedroom we have a night table with a glass lamp on it. Nicholas likes to touch the lamp. It's the kind that comes on and goes off with the touch of your hand. He's very fascinated by it. One morning he touched a little too hard and took the entire lamp and night stand tumbling down. Nicholas was ok, but the lamp now faces the wall where the broken part is...
We found our little one in the bathroom one day dunking things into the toilet... The bad thing was that Joey hadn't flushed it after he used it...
My favorite movie of all times is Independence Day. It's the one with the aliens that come to destroy earth. Nicholas liked it too. He ate about three feet of the tape. Thank you to Dave Probst for splicing what you could back together.
While shopping one day, (name of store withheld to ensure we will be able to continue shopping there) Nicholas, Mom and Dad sat down on a wooden bench. Mom and Dad talked. When they realized what Nicholas was doing it was too late. He had whittled off a nice hunk of wood off of the bench with those beaver teeth. (Remember, he cut his first one on my toe).
You've heard the one "my dog ate my homework"? Well, try using "my little brother ate my homework".
It's very important to back up your work when you are typing on a computer. Nicholas knows where the reset button is.
It's no doubt that we have our hands full with this little guy, but we see him as a blessing from God. Nicholas brings a smile to every face he meets and no one is a stranger to him.
I know that this is only his first year of life, but I also know that I will never be finished writing about all of the surprises he himself has become and will cause. I love you Nicholas. Happy Birthday!

Have a great week!

